Is XRP ETF Required to Increase the Price of XRP?


While the Security Exchange Commission (SEC) is still deciding the fate of the Bitcoin Spot ETF fund, the market has already started rumoring about XRP ETF. Big investment houses like JP Morgan, Grayscale, Blackrock, ARK Investment, etc, are actively engaged with SEC and Commissioner Gary Gensler to get approval for launching spot Bitcoin ETF for … Read more

Who is Chris Larsen & Does He Still Hold XRP?

Chris Larsen - Does he still hold XRP in his wallet

Chris Larsen is currently the Co-founder and Executive Chairman of Ripple Labs. He overtook Ripple Labs (previously known as Open Coin) from Ryan Fugger in 2012. Ripple Labs’ prime business is facilitating cross-border payments using a blockchain technology and XRP. Chris Larsen has also been a co-founder of the famous E-Loan Website and Prosper Marketplace, … Read more

How to Start NFT Reward Loyalty Program for Business?

How to Setup Loyalty Rewards for your business

Non-fungible tokens, also known as NFTs, will soon be the most popular and well-accepted technology for documenting the ownership of an asset. Examples of NFT could be as simple as a piece of art or as complex as a real estate property. A new use case of NFT has recently come into the discussion i.e. … Read more

Ledger $600,000 theft – Compensation for it Finally!!


On December 14, 2023, a security incident was reported where one of the affected companies, named Revoke.Cash reported that after connecting the Ledger wallet with the third-party dapps, using the ledger connect kit, the digital assets held in the ledger wallet started draining. Multiple parties were affected because of this security incident. On 20th December … Read more

Ripple – Considered a Virtual Asset Service Provider in Ireland


Ripple bags, yet another regulatory success. After the recent regularity clarity by the Virtual Asset Regulatory Authority (VARA) in Dubai, Ireland’s Central Bank designates, Ripple as a registered Virtual Asset Service Provider (VASP). This success will help Ripple offer its products and services in Ireland. Is MICA Still Required When Ripple is Already Designated as … Read more

Why is XRP Price So Low & Will it Increase?

Why is XRP Price is Low?

XRP is a cryptocurrency token created by Ripple Labs. It operates on the XRP ledger and helps facilitate transactions on the ledger. It is famously known as the ‘Banker’s Coin’ because of its famous use case i.e. Cross Border Transactions. The XRP community and the experts believe that the XRP price needs to be quite … Read more

What is Ripple XRP Escrow and How to Track it?

XRP Escrow

Escrow is a third party/organization that receives and holds funds on behalf of the first party and releases them at agreed intervals, with pre-agreed amounts. Instead of going for an external third-party escrow organization, Ripple chose to program escrow on the XRP ledger with the help of a smart contract. The XRP Escrow holds XRPs … Read more

5 Simple Use Cases of Metaverse in Hospital


Metaverse technology is squeezing in slowly into different industries and proving its worth. The Chief Information Officers across industries have already started acknowledging good return on investment potential and high profitability owing to metaverse. Since the benefits of metaverse are too difficult to ignore, hospital CIOs have a bright chance to start thinking about adapting … Read more

How to Save Prescription Costs with the Blockchain Technology?

XRP Healthcare Prescription Cost Save

It is quite unfortunate that the prescription cost is increasing continuously year after year, and it is becoming quite difficult for patients to afford it.As a result, a lot of patients (especially uninsured individuals) end up being incompliant with the prescription written by their physician.As per the survey, patients either don’t buy all the medications … Read more

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